PTU Goals

The goals of the PTU include:

  • Fundraising – The PTU will run various fundraising activities and events to provide funding for the school for needs not covered by the school’s budget.  The PTU will vote as to how the funds are spent.
  • Support – The PTU will support the school, faculty and staff, classrooms, and students.  The PTU organizes volunteers for all PTU activities and events.
  • Community Building – The PTU may sponsor activities that have the sole purpose of building community within our school.  These activities may not result in any profit.  Any income brought in by the activities may only cover the cost of the activity.  The purpose is to provide fun activities for the families and children.
  • Education – The PTU provides support to the school by providing funding for enrichment programs and technology enhancements.  The PTU may also provide support to the school by sponsoring education programs for parents and students.
  • PTU Purpose
  • PTU Board & Membership