Boy Scouts


BSA Troop 75 typically has between 22 and 28 active Scouts ranging in age from 11 to 17. The Troop meets Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm in the basement of Saint Mary of the Assumption Church. Troop 75 is part of the Lake Erie Council. Troop activities include learning Scout skills, practicing good citizenship, monthly camp outs, civic activities, and high adventure trips.

Each year, we have an annual week-long hike along the Appalachian Trail, Summer Camp, rock climbing and rappelling, rifle and shotgun shooting, and canoe or kayaking trips. We also typically do at least one local trash pick-up, clean up after Lenten fish frys, and participate in the Memorial Day parade. For more information please visit Troop 75.

Scoutmaster: Rob Boehm (216) 299-8973
Scout Liaison: 
Dave Barnard (440) 974-0306
Scout Liaison: 
Bob Boyd (440) 974-6089


Beginning on February 1, 2019 girls could for the first time join Scouts BSA and begin working towards earning the Eagle Scout Rank. Troop 222 was formed by Parishioners from St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Bede the Venerable joining resources to form a Scouts BSA Troop for girls. Troop 222 is for girls age 11 to 17 and is a Sister Troop to Troop 75. Troop 222 and Troop 75 have joint events from time to time throughout the year. Troop 222 meets every Thursday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in the Father Tulley Center at Saint Bede the Venerable Church, 9114 Lakeshore Blvd Mentor, OH 44060. Troop 222 is part of the Lake Erie Council, Scouts BSA Service Area 1.

Troop activities range from honing Scout skills, camping, civic activities and high adventure activities. These activities include a week-long Summer Camp experience each year, monthly campouts and outings ranging from canoeing, kayaking, hiking and learning new skills. Troop 222 completed a backpacking adventure at the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico in July 2021. They climbed to the top of Baldy Mountain at 12,441 feet and spent 7 days covering over 60 miles. Come join in the adventure. For more information please visit Troop 222’s website at or visit our Facebook Page by clicking on this link: Troop 222.

Scoutmaster: Ken Fortuna (440-867-3446)

Assistant Scoutmaster: Paul Parrish (614-439-1812)

Troop Committee Chair: Jeff Pershing (773-230-6695)


Joining Cub Scouts is FUN! From camping and hiking to sleeping on Naval Destroyer ships and getting soaked by the Niagara Falls, when you join Pack 75 you AND YOUR FAMILY should be prepared for so much fun that you cannot wait to come to the next event. Our Pack has an active calendar that allows the boys multiple opportunities to just get out and have FUN!

Cub Scouts will introduce your son to learning the skills he will need to become a leader. He will learn life skills (knot tying, first aid, cooking and fire building skills), leadership skills (public speaking, community service) and social skills (communicating with boys his age and older/younger boys as well).

The best part about these opportunities is that they are presented through FUN events like camping, hiking, fishing, pack and den meetings, popcorn sales, community involvement, etc. Your Son will become a leader within his peer group before he even realizes it!

Cub Scouts will develop your son’s self confidence. Through the experiences of the scouting program and the skills that your son will develop along the way they will be able to have the confidence that they are prepared for whatever life throws at them!

If you have questions about joining Cub Scout Pack 75 or just want to learn more about our program, schedule a visit or contact Cubmaster, John Poggemeyer, or Committee Chairman, Adrienne Boehm

You can also visit, enter your ZIP code, find pack 3075 and join online!

Join our Vibrant Parish Today!

Call us at 440-255-3404

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